It's never too late to let go
Mar 01, 2023I got a great metaphor from a client the other day. She had gone for a walk in the woods and noticed two identical, large oak trees standing next to each other.
They were both old trees.
One tree was in full, green flora while the other was full of old, withered leaves from last year.
One tree had let go of all the old leaves and was full of newly developing shoots, while the other seemed to hold on to the old leaves. The old leaves stood in the way of the new shoots.
That's exactly how it is for us as well.
Just like the tree that carried too many of the old leaves, many of us carry old beliefs, thoughts and feelings that stand in our way.
Just as the old leaves stood in the way of new shoots flourishing, so can old memories, beliefs and feelings stand in the way of us being able to flourish in our lives.
It is possible to let go regardless of your age.
It is healthy to let go of what no longer benefits us.
It is good to let go of emotions that prevent you from doing what you want to do.
Let us be more like the tree and let go of the old and welcome the new possibilities!